New Vaccines Transform Pharmacies into Immunization Destinations for 2023-2024 Respiratory Illness Season

As autumn arrives, community pharmacists are gearing up for a busy immunization season, offering recently FDA-approved vaccines for COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and the seasonal flu. Pharmacies have become key vaccination hubs, with a 2023 IQVIA study showing that 60-70% of flu vaccines were administered at pharmacies during the latter part of the year. The study also reported a 30-40% increase in pharmacy claims for flu vaccines in 2020 compared to previous years, and pharmacies have played a pivotal role in delivering over 300 million COVID-19 vaccine doses since 2021. With the trust patients place in pharmacists and their accessibility, they are well-positioned to continue expanding their vital role in communities, especially with the introduction of new vaccines. Continue reading New Vaccines Transform Pharmacies into Immunization Destinations for 2023-2024 Respiratory Illness Season